ISO 27001 Certification
We are delighted to confirm that we have successfully passed our ISO 27001 annual audit with no non-conformities or opportunities for improvement identified.
Information security has always been our number one priority and the annual ISO certification provides independent confirmation of our secure environment, robust process and the controls we have in place to ensure that both our clients and our own data is secure.
About ISO 27001
ISO 27001 is the internationally recognised Information Security Management Standard that proves an organisation’s commitment to the security of their customer, employee and shareholder’s information. With ISO 27001 in place, Cytec can minimise risks to potential data security breaches and reduce errors and costs, while demonstrating credibility and trust.
The benefits of certification to ISO 27001 include:
• Proving to clients an organisation keeps their information secure.
• Achieve operational excellence.
• Minimise the risk of potential data security breaches.
• Protects reputation.
• Reduces errors and costs.